Upon receiving a valid DMCA notice, we will take immediate action to remove or restrict access to the reported content in accordance with the DMCA and applicable laws. Please note that we may forward your DMCA notice, including your contact details, to the individual or entity responsible for the alleged infringement to help resolve the matter. If you believe that the removal was an error, you may submit a counter-notification with the following details: - Clear identification of the content that was removed or disabled, along with its prior location on the site. - Your contact information, including full name, address, phone number, and email. - A statement under penalty of perjury confirming that you believe the content was removed or disabled by mistake or due to misidentification. - A declaration agreeing to the jurisdiction of the relevant court in your area or, if outside the U.S., the court where the site is based, and your agreement to accept legal notices from the original complainant or their representative. - Your signature, which can be either physical or electronic. We will review your counter-notification following DMCA procedures and respond in a timely manner as required by law.